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أدوات الموضوع البحث في الموضوع أنماط العرض
قديم 06/10/2010, 09:01 PM
ma vie ma vie غير متصل حالياً
عضو مميز
تاريخ الانضمام: 20/01/2008
الإقامة: مسقط
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 1,049

أرسل أصلا بواسطة اوراهارا كيسكيه مشاهدة المشاركات
الجدل الوجودي : وهذا ماقال به الوجودي الصوفي "كريكجور" حيث انه جعل من العواطف الانسانية مسرحا للجدل الوجودي, مثلا قال بان اصل الانسان الالم , وذلك لانه يملك الممكنات , ولانه لن يحقق الا واحدة منها فسيصاب بالالم على الممكنات الاخرى , ولانه سيحقق واحدة سيصاب كذلك بالسرور للانجاز الوقتي والذي مايلبث ان يزول , ويكون تجاوز هذا الجدل بالبحث عن علاقة تجمعهما كالحب , فالحب يخضع النفس ويكبح جماحها ويجعلها ترتقي عن الالم الاناني , ونقيض الحب الكراهية , لانه حب لامحدود وهكذا,,,,,

هل يمكن تطبيق هذا النوع من الجدل على شيء غير الزواج؟ لاني اعتقد ان الزواج هو حب يتنازل فيه الزوجين
عن الانانية و يقبلان فيه على عهد الايثار ... و بين هذا كله يصبح الالم الناتج عن عدم اصابة كل الممكنات و
السرور الناتج عن اصابة احداها غير مهم كفاية بسبب وجود الحب ...

ما حدود كل نوع من انواع الجدل السابقة,
هل بعضها دولي؟ هل احدها على المستوى الفردي فقط؟
ام هي شاملة؟ و كيف تصبح شاملة ان كانت كذلك؟ مع امثلة بسيطة؟
و السموحة,
سؤال جميل

الوجودية فلسفة انسانية تستهدف الفرد قبل كل شيء

واذا صلح الفرد وجوديا وعرف كيف يختار باردته الحرة ساعتها سيتجه الى علاقات اجتماعية ولكنها مختلفة عن فكرة الدولة المثالية او الجماعية او التي تقمع الفرد

كل انواع الجدل شامل من هيجل لسارتر

والاختلاف يكون في المنبع

فالمثالية عقلية والوجودية ارادية

تشسترفيلد يوصي ابنه لكي يكون سياسيا:

"تعلم ان تتملق لأنه لايمتنع على الملق سوى أحكم الحكماء وأقدس القديسين، ادرس انساب البشر، لأن البشر أكثر افتخارا بأنسابهم منهم بفضائلهم ،تودد للنساء لتحصل على معونتهن ، الرجل الفطن يلهو بهن ولايستشيرهن، يجب تملق النساء في فرنسا لأنهن يقررن مصير الملك ، الناس لايقدمون احترامهم لإنسان فظ اكثر مما يقرضون مالهم لإنسان مفلس ، لاتحسب انك أرقى من الخادم الذي ينظف حذائك ، أودع علمك كما تودع ساعتك جيبا خاصا فلاتبرزه ، احذر الحديث عن نفسك مااستطعت ، امسك الحديث عن الدين واحترس من جماعة الفلاسفة الذين يهاجمون الدين ، لا توافق على الأفكار الإباحية التي تهاجم الأديان ، لابد ان تعترف للدين بأنه ضمان إضافي على الاقل للفضيلة"*
  مادة إعلانية
قديم 06/10/2010, 09:02 PM
ma vie ma vie غير متصل حالياً
عضو مميز
تاريخ الانضمام: 20/01/2008
الإقامة: مسقط
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 1,049

بالنسبة للامثلة سيكون لي عودة بعد غياب ليس بالطويل

تشسترفيلد يوصي ابنه لكي يكون سياسيا:

"تعلم ان تتملق لأنه لايمتنع على الملق سوى أحكم الحكماء وأقدس القديسين، ادرس انساب البشر، لأن البشر أكثر افتخارا بأنسابهم منهم بفضائلهم ،تودد للنساء لتحصل على معونتهن ، الرجل الفطن يلهو بهن ولايستشيرهن، يجب تملق النساء في فرنسا لأنهن يقررن مصير الملك ، الناس لايقدمون احترامهم لإنسان فظ اكثر مما يقرضون مالهم لإنسان مفلس ، لاتحسب انك أرقى من الخادم الذي ينظف حذائك ، أودع علمك كما تودع ساعتك جيبا خاصا فلاتبرزه ، احذر الحديث عن نفسك مااستطعت ، امسك الحديث عن الدين واحترس من جماعة الفلاسفة الذين يهاجمون الدين ، لا توافق على الأفكار الإباحية التي تهاجم الأديان ، لابد ان تعترف للدين بأنه ضمان إضافي على الاقل للفضيلة"*
قديم 07/10/2010, 09:09 AM
بدر الجهوري بدر الجهوري غير متصل حالياً
كاتب ومترجم
تاريخ الانضمام: 03/05/2010
الإقامة: صحار والخوض
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 250

مقال رائع جعلني أفكر في كثير من الامور التي اعتبرتها حتمية ذات يوم.

حاولت ترجمة هذا المقال (فهذه طريقتي المفضل لسبر أغوار هكذا نصوص)

أرفق لكم ترجمتي المتواضعة لعلها ترتقي لمستوى المقال.

The Philosophy of Hegel

A century and eight decades have passed since the decease of one of the most brilliant minds of philosophy ever lived. He assumed that man knows everything, and that nothing can remain concealed. He was the legitimate heir of the intellectual idealism of Descartes, Spinoza and Kant epitomized in a historical spiritual philosophy claiming that spirit is the cornerstone of knowledge. It's Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, the German philosopher of Stuttgart (1970 – 1831).

Hegel was born in 1970, a time of scientific and intellectual boom in Europe. In this era the steam engine was invented, and the first textile factory was built, paving the way for the Industrial Revolution. In this era lived Goethe, Kant, Schelling, Malthus, Adam Smith and others who have become the greatest minds in history. It was a fertile land pregnant with geniuses from whom profound philosophy emerged. Hegel was one of those minds who created a pattern of knowledge between all phenomena by establishing relations between opposites. There is no arbitrariness, but rather logical connectedness between all parts of the universe.

Hegel went to school in 1980 and decided to study theology, three years before his mother passed away. During his studies of theology he met and was influenced by many philosophers, particularly Spinoza and Schelling. The latter had the most prominent influence on Hegel especially in regard to the philosophy of identity. In 1816, Hegel took up the chair of philosophy in the University of Heidelberg and later in the University of Berlin. In 1831, he died of cholera leaving behind a legacy of intellect that would later develop into other Hegelian trends such as Marxism.

Hegel's Philosophy

We can summarize Hegel's philosophy under three concepts: mind, nature and spirit, each being a product of the other. The philosophy of spirit emerges from the spirit of nature, which in turn is the product of mind and logic. The philosophy of mind is the deduction of statements regarding existence using a logical dialectic. These statements aim at proving existence as a concept in the mind; whereas the philosophy of nature is the application of these statements to natural beings such as animals and trees by learning their quality, quantity and representation. This philosophy doesn't create subjects but rather the notion of these subjects. The philosophy of spirit defines the meaning of spirit in three stages: subjective spirit, which defines consciousness, self-consciousness and subjective mind; objective spirit, which defines absolute idealism and the ethical life; and absolute spirit, which is the combination of subjective and objective spirits, and is represented in religion, beauty and art.

قديم 07/10/2010, 09:10 AM
بدر الجهوري بدر الجهوري غير متصل حالياً
كاتب ومترجم
تاريخ الانضمام: 03/05/2010
الإقامة: صحار والخوض
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 250

Historical Philosophy

Hegel has been known for his historical philosophy, a dialectical philosophy suggesting that the world moves in a logical determined pattern based on holistic consciousness. History is not written arbitrarily, but rather according to wholes produced by parts in this dialectical pattern. It is not a system of causal relations, but a system of deduction of the total idea already existing in the mind. In general, a nation is what the mind seeks in the beginning of its progress, before it forms a family or a civil society. The family is the goal, the whole, but it gives birth to parts. These parts are the individuals who in turn form families, wholes. This kind of disjunction increases the number of individuals whose needs are fulfilled by each other. The result is what we call a civil society, which assumes that there should be jobs and professions through which an individual can reach self-actualization. Later these individuals create unions and work on applying the laws promulgated by these unions. This is where the nation comes in, which is formed by constitution comprising the three authorities: legislative, judicial and executive (i.e. the ruler). After this dialectic, the nation, described as an independent sovereign entity with goals, starts struggling with other nations in the form of wars. This leads to a new system of international relations from which the world eventually moves towards the absolute spirit.

Philosophy of Spirit

The Phenomenology of Spirit deals with noumena, which is absolute, infinite and cannot be defined nor limited. That is why it's beyond consciousness or knowledge. Yet it exists, although not in an actual form. This is what Emanuel Kant referred to when he suggested that the mind recognizes, by contemplation, the nature of things, the phenomena. It has the necessity, comprehensibility and experience to recognize things by fully observing their actual representation. Yet studying the thing in itself (noumena) is its cause, i.e. it's cause and effect at the same time. Hence the mind does not have the tools to recognize the noumena because it is not represented in reality. It is beyond time and place which assume a prior knowledge of the subject actualized by experimentation. And since the noumena cannot be actualized by experimentation, because it is cause and effect at the same time, it is impossible to recognize. Spinoza assumes that the core of the thing is its noumena but that it can be recognized, "For every positive there is a negative" and thus it is self-actualized and can be recognized. Spinoza began his historical philosophy with "God" and referred God to nature. He explained that the mind cannot recognize anything that is not actualized, i.e. beyond human cognitive grasp. Otherwise it will fall into contradiction leading to atheism. Nature is self-actualized because it is the product of the negation of its positivism. Otherwise it will be unrecognizable due to its infinite positivism.

Hegel believes that "To negate a thing is to make it positive". In other words, the ultimate power is negation. Existence emerges from non-existence, defined from non-defined. This contradicts with Spinoza's belief that non-existence emerges from existence, the non-defined from the defined. Nature is defined, and so we are tempted to unveil what's beyond it (metaphysics). Spirit is undefined, and so we are urged to define it through a dialectic of negative and negation of the negative to prove the absolute existence.

Discussing or studying spirit was a taboo, because it is the cause of itself. The mind cannot define the unknown, and Kant emphasized that dwelling in this issue is sheer absurdity. Hegel, however, had a different opinion. He believed that studying spirit is the way to delve into philosophy; that spirit can be defined and actualized in reality by departing the subjective spirit moving into the objective spirit.


Progress, according to Hegel, starts from subjective spirit, to consciousness, to will. The will is what makes the spirit ready to actualize in reality and in nature through the abstract right, giving birth to ethics. These ethics create what is called ethical life which constitutes a family. Then the family is disassembled into individuals who create a civil society. This eventually leads to the nation, which is the goal of the mind from the beginning, but cannot be achieved except through this dialectic.

Principles of Phenomenology

1. Will: This is represented in the right to possess. An individual has the right to put his/her will into that of no will, claiming property of it. This is what differentiates between man and animal.

2. Freedom: An individual, as an actual existence, is a goal. It cannot be controlled by another will, thus demolishing the concept of slavery. Hegel also disproves of marriage as a contract for a contract is based on a thing, while man and woman have will (they are not things) and so marriage is rather the union of two wills.

3. Love: It is the basis of the union of two wills rather than a mere whim. Passion is the power that attracts man to woman (and vice versa) but it is an unsteady power. It doesn't achieve totality without combining with the total will, which is the will to form a family and be ready to unite making compromises in the process.

4. Justice: It is the basis for punishment, for revenge is a negative thought that does not lead to positivism but rather more negativity. Justice is based on conscious and right to create a total mind will that overcomes a partial will represented in a wrongdoing.

In this regard, Hegel approves of capital punishment, because denying one the right to live, and to put things in order it is essential to negate the negative (execute the murderer) to achieve total justice. Revenge, on the other hand, is a barbarian trend because it lacks a law that pursues total justice. Hegel believes that a crime is a non-existent, it carries its negative within. The doer has the total will, and thus punishment must be there to remove a wrongdoing by negating it in order to achieve right.

5. Divorce: Hegel approved of divorce but limited it. He believes that one element of marriage is love, which is unsteady and could turn a marriage into a living hell.

6. War: Hegel believes that war is a logical necessity to settle international relations, and is the only way to overcome a partial will of a nation claiming sovereignty on other nations. Therefore, fighting this partial will is a must in order to negate it. This creates a law that regulates the entire world. Hegel, in this regard agrees with Grotius in the need of an international law, yet he believes that this law is only made by war as a negative leading eventually to self-consciousness.

7. Work: It is a way to achieve self-actualization of an individual to complete his/her partial will in the society. To work is to be able to join a professional association, which requires law and regulations to protect itself.

8. Law is the basis of a nation: Hegel was protested against for propagating Totalitarianism at the expense of Democracy and Liberalism. However, by carefully studying Hegel's philosophy one would realize that it is the true expression of the freedom of an individual by considering it a basis of a nation and its sovereignty.

Hegel's Philosophy Crystallized

Apparently, Hegel's philosophy had a major impact on World War I and II. Most of the warring countries resembled the Hegelian notion of a country expressing will to overcome struggle through war. This has later given birth to international organizations for human rights, work, the environment and culture. It also led to the establishment of the United Nations and the European Union.

One would say that these organizations have a small effect on regulating relations between countries, especially between rich and poor countries. The flipside is that the Hegelian philosophy assumes the ability of any country to achieve total will by representing the will of its individuals. Poor countries do not represent the will of their individuals but rather a higher authority. The logical result of this is a state of unbalance, until the self-actualization of the country is achieved.

آخر تحرير بواسطة بدر الجهوري : 07/10/2010 الساعة 09:17 AM
قديم 11/10/2010, 10:19 PM
ma vie ma vie غير متصل حالياً
عضو مميز
تاريخ الانضمام: 20/01/2008
الإقامة: مسقط
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 1,049

أرسل أصلا بواسطة بدر الجهوري مشاهدة المشاركات
مقال رائع جعلني أفكر في كثير من الامور التي اعتبرتها حتمية ذات يوم.

حاولت ترجمة هذا المقال (فهذه طريقتي المفضل لسبر أغوار هكذا نصوص)

أرفق لكم ترجمتي المتواضعة لعلها ترتقي لمستوى المقال.

thank you bader for this precised translation

the language of philosophy is very complicated

but you are qualified to deal with


تشسترفيلد يوصي ابنه لكي يكون سياسيا:

"تعلم ان تتملق لأنه لايمتنع على الملق سوى أحكم الحكماء وأقدس القديسين، ادرس انساب البشر، لأن البشر أكثر افتخارا بأنسابهم منهم بفضائلهم ،تودد للنساء لتحصل على معونتهن ، الرجل الفطن يلهو بهن ولايستشيرهن، يجب تملق النساء في فرنسا لأنهن يقررن مصير الملك ، الناس لايقدمون احترامهم لإنسان فظ اكثر مما يقرضون مالهم لإنسان مفلس ، لاتحسب انك أرقى من الخادم الذي ينظف حذائك ، أودع علمك كما تودع ساعتك جيبا خاصا فلاتبرزه ، احذر الحديث عن نفسك مااستطعت ، امسك الحديث عن الدين واحترس من جماعة الفلاسفة الذين يهاجمون الدين ، لا توافق على الأفكار الإباحية التي تهاجم الأديان ، لابد ان تعترف للدين بأنه ضمان إضافي على الاقل للفضيلة"*
قديم 12/10/2010, 10:51 PM
صورة عضوية اوراهارا كيسكيه
اوراهارا كيسكيه اوراهارا كيسكيه غير متصل حالياً
عضو مميز جداً
تاريخ الانضمام: 23/01/2009
الإقامة: Boosting to Cambridge
الجنس: ذكر
المشاركات: 8,062

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جميع الأوقات بتوقيت مسقط. الساعة الآن 04:46 AM.

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